I am pleased to announce that Vicki Makransky is the winner of the January Reward and Recognition Program!

I would like to nominate Vicki Makransky for the January Reward and Recognition for every day excellence.  Vicki is hard-working and extremely efficient in her job duties.  Most recently, she prepared / updated the templates for each person’s performance review quickly and proficiently.  Even during reduced hours in COVID, she found a way to consistently take on more work.  She is willing to help her co-workers in any way that is needed.  Vicki is early every day and she goes out of her way to be pleasant to everyone around her and always has a smile on her face.

To recognize this accomplishment, Vicki will receive a certificate of achievement as well as gift cards for dinner and Target.  Vicki is eligible for the President’s Award for Excellence which is announced in December 2021.

Please help me in congratulating Vicki on this accomplishment!  Thank you for your hard work!