I am pleased to announce that Brian Taylor is the winner of the May Reward and Recognition Program!

Brian Taylor continues to support a very active and aggressive bid and proposal queue. Brianhas been answering customer inquiries and RFQ request at all hours of the day. Briancontinues to work with the PMO and Engineering team to ensure we supply the best product and proposal as we can with the sometimes very limited customer supplied details. Along with his diligence with the bid and proposal tasks, Brian has been in communications with key customers in regards to contract support and or contract disputes. Brian has successfully negotiated multiple Q4 and customer issues in regards to payment milestone events queries and or other contract terms and conditions as they arise during a project. Brain’s continued support to the PMO team enables us to have a sense of security when it comes to critical contract negotiations. I applaud Mr. Taylor for all his hard work and efforts over the past 14 months during some very difficult times and challenges to secure the deals and execute the contracts for Q4.

To recognize this accomplishment, Brian will receive a certificate of achievement as well as gift cards for dinner and Target.  Brian is eligible for the President’s Award for Excellence which is announced in December 2021.

Please help me in congratulating Brian Taylor on this accomplishment!  Well deserved!