I am pleased to announce that Manny Oyola Perez and Chito Perez are the winners of the January Reward and Recognition Program!

Manny Perez and ChIto Perez were both nominated for the month of January.  They have been helping Bimbo in paint with the very important C5 project. Manny and Chito have been coming in early and staying late to help make sure the C5 project gets done.  They have also been running back and forth from paint and helping Rafael with facilities occasionally as well as to help BP when we need an extra hand or two.  These guys have been carrying this extra load for several weeks now.  They are model employees for getting the work done and being willing to help out however they can, and whenever they can.

To recognize this accomplishment, Chito and Manny will receive a certificate of achievement as well as gift cards for dinner and Target.

Please help me in congratulating Manny and Chito on this accomplishment!  We appreciate your hard work!