I am pleased to announce that Joe Fassett is the winner of the April Reward and Recognition Program.

Joseph Fassett has spent a tremendous amount of time away from home this year to support the C5 and MV22 relocations with very little time off to rest, recover, or return home for a quick visit.  In addition to the amount of heavy travel required, Joe has a very high and unique level of professional responsibility to lead a major relocation effort.  These major efforts include heavy rigging, proper packing and labeling, and most importantly is the orchestration between customer and Q4’s vendors. While Joe has been succeeding in these programs he has also put effort into creating power point training material for other employees on relocations. This training material will serve as a great baseline for introducing other employees to relocations by detailing hydraulics, motion removal, proper packing/crating, and the importance of labeling parts as you go to insure you can reassemble without issue. Great work, Joe!

To recognize this accomplishment, Joe will receive a certificate of achievement as well as gift cards for dinner and Target.