Awards & Recognition

2021 July Recognition and Award Winner Michael Overfield!

I am pleased to announce that Michael Overfield is the winner of the July Reward and Recognition Program! Michael Overfield  goes to great lengths to keep his department supplied by doing the ordering and keeps accurate records in the BP department.  He collects and inputs all the data himself, all while maintaining his workload of [...]

By |2023-05-17T07:17:53-05:00August 25, 2021|Awards & Recognition, News|

Q4 Services awarded Stratolaunch Visual Display System upgrade contract

Q4 Services is pleased to announce it has been contracted by Stratolaunch to supply a Level D SupraVue 200x40 degree FOV Collimated Visual Display system (VDS) utilizing the latest Barco 4k technology along with a Scalable Displays auto alignment system. Q4 will work with the Stratolaunch team to deliver the highest quality immersive training environment for the Carrier [...]

By |2023-05-17T07:17:53-05:00August 17, 2021|Awards & Recognition, News, Q4 Products|

2021 June Recognition and Award Winner James Giffrow

I am pleased to announce that James Giffrow is the winner of the June Reward and Recognition Program! James Giffrow was nominated for continued engineering guidance on multiple projects that required a significant amount of work. The 225x50 VDS system required a complete new FEA analysis performed over the past 9 months along with numerous [...]

By |2023-05-17T07:17:54-05:00July 26, 2021|Awards & Recognition, News|

2021 May Recognition and Award Winner Brian Taylor!

I am pleased to announce that Brian Taylor is the winner of the May Reward and Recognition Program! Brian Taylor continues to support a very active and aggressive bid and proposal queue. Brianhas been answering customer inquiries and RFQ request at all hours of the day. Briancontinues to work with the PMO and Engineering team [...]

By |2023-05-17T07:17:54-05:00June 28, 2021|Awards & Recognition, News|

2021 April Reward and Recognition Winner Mariana Clark!

I am pleased to announce that Mariana Clark is the winner of the April Reward and Recognition Program! Mariana has become the focal point for our manufacturing and production stability while utilizing the company IMS. She’s is pivotal in our path forward to accurate cost controls, overall department product delivery schedules based off contractual commitments and [...]

By |2023-05-17T07:17:54-05:00May 20, 2021|Awards & Recognition, News|

2021 March Reward and Recognition Winner Erick Ramirez!

I am pleased to announce that Erick Ramirez is the the winner of the March Reward and Recognition Program! Erick Ramirez has been working tirelessly over the past 4 months generating documents, assembling product, testing product and attending numerous meetings to accomplish all the tasks required to move the L3H program into the FAT event. [...]

By |2023-05-17T07:17:54-05:00April 19, 2021|Awards & Recognition, News|

2021 February Reward and Recognitions Sheri Haisten and Kelly Baumann!

I am pleased to announce that Kelly Baumann and Sheri Haisten are the winners of the February Reward and Recognition Program! The team effort of Sheri Haisten and Kelly Baumann were nominated for their shared responsibility of deconstructing the 225x55 drawing package and entering all items within the drawing package as a kit BOM in [...]

By |2023-05-17T07:17:54-05:00March 22, 2021|Awards & Recognition, News, Uncategorized|

2021 January Reward and Recognition Winner Vicki Makransky!

I am pleased to announce that Vicki Makransky is the winner of the January Reward and Recognition Program! I would like to nominate Vicki Makransky for the January Reward and Recognition for every day excellence.  Vicki is hard-working and extremely efficient in her job duties.  Most recently, she prepared / updated the templates for each [...]

By |2023-05-17T07:17:54-05:00February 24, 2021|Awards & Recognition, News|

Q4 Services sponsors the 324th Central Florida AAAA Chapter!

Q4 Services is proud to support the  324th Army Aviation Association of America central Florida chapter. CFL Chapter is located in Orlando, Florida with the focal point supporting the simulations and training industry near PEO-STRI. Business development director Sean Hobbs was accompanied by Program management and customers services director Will Perry and program manager Sheri [...]

By |2023-05-17T07:17:54-05:00February 15, 2021|Awards & Recognition, Events, News|
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